- Categories
- Accommodation, celebration and conference venue complex
- Sale of cars and their parts
- Transportation of cars and cargo in Europe, car trade
- Car rental
- Car trade
- Car service
- Footwear Trading
- Manufacture of oak parquet boards
- Furniture manufacture
- CNC machining, laser cutting
- Wholesale trade with Russia
- Design and advertising solutions
- Insurance
- insurance brokerage activities
- Peat production
- Electricity generation
- Energy
- Financial services
- Production
- Welfare and construction works
- Recruitment agency
- Website development
- Website design; social networking communication
- equipment manufacturing
- Rural tourism
- Passenger transport
- Commercial real estate
- Confectionery, sweets
- manufacture and sale of confectionery products
- Counseling services
- freight transportation
- Repair of passenger cars and sale of their parts
- Logistics
- Retail book trade
- Medical services
- Wood and wood products
- woodworking, wood products
- Meat processing
- meat products
- Manufacture and processing of metal structures
- Real estate development projects
- Services
- Milk production
- Organization of entertainment and recreation
- Trade
- Trade in timber
- Professional training
- Project preparation and administration
- Radio activities, organization of events
- restaurant activities
- Security services
- Sewing
- Administration of social networks
- horticulture
- Sports club services
- Building, construction
- Heating
- Promotion of Taurage car business
- Technical repair
- Legal Services
- Telecomunication
- Transport services
- berry growing
- Cleaning services
- Manufacture of wind turbine housings
- Non-Governmental organization
- Catering
- Visual advertising design
- Agricultural machinery
- Fishing nets production
Tauragės nekilnojamo turto agentura, UAB

Job role: Real estate development projects, Services,
Address: Bažnyčių g. 8, LT-72253 Tauragė
Phone: +370 699 65522, +370 612 15200
E-mail: agentura@tnta.lt, arturas@tvk.lt, giedriusjeep@gmail.com
Website: http://www.tnta.lt
UAB "Tauragės Nekilnojamojo Turto Agentūra" teikia paslaugas, susijusias su nekilnojamojo turto pirkimu, pardavimu ir nuoma. Padeda išsinuomoti nekilnojamąjį turtą, sutvarko ir parengia visus būtinus dokumentus turto pirkimo ir pardavimo sandoriams. Padeda atlikti nekilnojamojo turto teisinę registraciją. "Tauragės Nekilnojamojo Turto Agentūra" nuolat siekia užsitarnauti klientų pasitikikėjimą. Mūsų darbuotojai išsamiai paaiškins ir atidžiai išklausys Jūsų pageidavimus, pateiks pelningiausius pasiūlymus, susitars dėl Jums tinkamiausių sąlygų, nuolat Jus informuos apie naujus pasiūlymus.
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